Pygoscelis Papua Linux 2023-03 AMI Update
We have updated Pygoscelis Papua Linux, our unofficial build of Gentoo Linux, for March 2023.
Region | AMI ID | Arch | Instance Type | AKI ID | Timestamp |
ap-northeast-1 | ami-0708419d35cbb1f38 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
ap-northeast-2 | ami-00f6c8db2e1c95471 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
ap-northeast-3 | ami-00d954771f6a37661 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
ap-south-1 | ami-0f77bd80674e2eed9 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
ap-southeast-1 | ami-07dbb825071e9a3b4 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
ap-southeast-2 | ami-06835d946d3101c73 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
ca-central-1 | ami-08b50a7befa39ca63 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
eu-central-1 | ami-0992508841e5bdc24 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
eu-north-1 | ami-030ac550091934fdf | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
eu-west-1 | ami-014c4c4bbf86dfce1 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
eu-west-2 | ami-0318d8e5b1da8a2a4 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
eu-west-3 | ami-0cf9f0df1695c77e3 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
sa-east-1 | ami-0cbadf4557b8ebbaa | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
us-east-1 | ami-0285595a32adf1f06 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
us-east-2 | ami-0a03380eddaee0c59 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
us-west-1 | ami-01f1d4c1ac3a1d1e8 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
us-west-2 | ami-05e9a1a944ae07722 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-03-12-05-15-22 |
Gentoo is a trademark of Gentoo Foundation, Inc. The Dowd and Associates Gentoo in the Cloud and Pygoscelis Papua Linux machine images are unofficial builds and are not part of the Gentoo project and is not directed or managed by Gentoo Foundation, Inc.
Amazon Web Services, the "Powered by Amazon Web Services" logo, and Amazon EC2 are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
Pygoscelis Papua Linux 2023-01 AMI Update
We have updated Pygoscelis Papua Linux, our unofficial build of Gentoo Linux, for January 2023.
Region | AMI ID | Arch | Instance Type | AKI ID | Timestamp |
ap-northeast-1 | ami-044ee5e4282471a08 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
ap-northeast-2 | ami-0440f54dae5102a9e | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
ap-northeast-3 | ami-07489ba88f43d476f | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
ap-south-1 | ami-0ced3fc7d52fd28d2 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
ap-southeast-1 | ami-0e620af93588c8fcd | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
ap-southeast-2 | ami-0e5dbb9b0de8d87b7 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
ca-central-1 | ami-0d0a861c7e6799025 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
eu-central-1 | ami-06efd4c1adaae9f9f | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
eu-north-1 | ami-079860a33e05484e7 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
eu-west-1 | ami-04aee72fe0ac1706c | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
eu-west-2 | ami-0c216a5504477c650 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
eu-west-3 | ami-0c02875ffe62195a0 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
sa-east-1 | ami-0f9cfa213994d6c42 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
us-east-1 | ami-0d1c36c4403663f2d | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
us-east-2 | ami-0dc82eb16ea6b4be1 | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
us-west-1 | ami-0832cc72a9e90616a | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
us-west-2 | ami-07e0209981aeee68b | x86_64 | hvm:ebs | hvm | 2023-01-20-00-34-10 |
Gentoo is a trademark of Gentoo Foundation, Inc. The Dowd and Associates Gentoo in the Cloud and Pygoscelis Papua Linux machine images are unofficial builds and are not part of the Gentoo project and is not directed or managed by Gentoo Foundation, Inc.
Amazon Web Services, the "Powered by Amazon Web Services" logo, and Amazon EC2 are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
HowTo: Mirror S3 Buckets
We want to copy the objects from one S3 bucket to another one. We don’t want this to be a one time event though, as new objects are created in the first bucket we want them to be copied to the second bucket as well. In this article we show how to use AWS Lambda and the AWS Command Line Interface to mirror one S3 bucket to another.
HowTo: Create an IAM Role for AWS Lambda
Creating an IAM role is a necessary step in creating an AWS Lambda function. The IAM role controls the permissions of what services the AWS Lambda function can access while executing. In this article we will see how to create an IAM role for AWS Lambda.
HowTo: Install Supervisor
Supervisor is a service that makes it easy to automatically start programs without needing to create rc.d scripts. In this article we look at how to install it on various Linux distros.